To Be a Jewish State |
A book launch event marking the publication of Yaacov Yadgar's new book, To Be a Jewish State: Zionism as the New Judaism. The author in conversation with Amnon Ray-Krakotzkin |
Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin, David Borabeck, Yaacov Yadgar |
Trade Networks Bridging Yemen, Israel, and Ethiopia: The Ḥibshūsh Family and Jewish-Muslim Commercial Relations in the 20th Century |
This lecture examines the commercial legacy of the Ḥibshūsh family, a prominent Yemenite Jewish dynasty that played a pivotal role in the Red Sea basin trade from the 1880s to the 1970s |
Menashe Anzi |
Abraham and Moses as Entrepreneurs: Educating for the Future with Narratives of the Past |
How does the global entrepreneurial discourse, which advocates for a neoliberal, individualistic, and future-oriented identity, intersects with a state education system that seeks to establish a collectivist and ethno-national identity? |
Sari R. Alfi Nissan |
Synagogues in Israeli Urban Internal Frontiers as Symbols of Sovereignty |
Israeli synagogues in mixed cities following the 1948 war, and their sovereign role |
David Borabeck |
New & Jew, Zionism and the Quest for National Culture |
The Creation of Hebrew Music and its Origins |
Yaron Peleg |
Michal Huss - You cannot really live (or die) here: ongoing struggles over cemeteries and housing in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 1957-2020 |
Debates over housing and cemeteries in Jaffa. |
Michal Huss |
Martin Goodman - The Image of Herod in Modern Israel |
Jewish, Israeli, and Zionist perceptions of Herod. |
Martin Goodman |
Yemima Hadad - Buber and Gandhi on land and resistance: Reading the Buber-Gandhi correspondence after October 7 |
Contesting pacifist views and their implications today. |
Yemima Hadad |
Anat Scolnicov - The Israel Supreme Court Religion and the Relationship of State and Religion in Israel |
On judicial independence in Israel |
Anat Scolnicov |
Amos Morris-Rich - The Fusion of Zionism and Science: The First Two Decades - And the Present Day? |
On Zionism's relation to Science |
Amos Morris-Reich |
Neta Schramm - Zionist Neutral? The Sardonic Zionism of Yeshayahu Leibowitz and Ovadia Yosef |
Neta Schramm discusses the (non-ideological) "think Zionism" stances of two leading Israeli figures. |
Neta Schramm |
Maya Mark - Menachem Begin’s stand on the imposition of the Military Government, 1948- 1966 |
Maya Mark discusses Menachem Begin's commitment to Liberalism |
Maya Mark |
Hillel Cohen - Haters, Love Story: on the relations between Mizrahi Jews and Palestinian Arab’ |
Hillel Cohen discusses his new book on Mizrahim, Arabs, and Asheknazim in Israel |
Hillel Cohen |
Suzanne Schneider - The Divine People? Mapping the political-theological coordinates of post-liberalism |
On the political theology of "illiberal democracy" |
Suzanne Schneider |
Gabriel Schwake - Dwelling on the Green Line: Privatize and Rule in Israel/Palestine |
Gabriel Schwake discusses his new book dealing with urban planning along the green line. |
Gabriel Schwake |
Tilde Rosmer - The Islamic Movement in Israel |
Tilde Rosmer (Zayed University) discusses the history and politics of the Islamic Movement in Israel. |
Tilde Rosmer |
Gideon Katz - The Fear of Judaism in Israeli Culture |
Gideon Katz discusses some of the mure surprising aspect of Israeli secularism |
Gideon Katz |
Nitzan Lebovic: Is Zionism a “Left-Wing Melancholy”? |
Nitzan Levobic discusses Zionism and melancholy, through the woks of Israel Zarchi |
Nitzan Levobic |
Tony Shaw and Giora Goodman - Hollywood and Israel: A History |
The authors of a recently published book dealing with the history of Hollywood's relation with Israel discuss some of their findings |
Tony Shaw, Giora Goodman |
Haggai Ram - The Social Life of Hashish in Mandatory Palestine and Israel: A Global History |
Haggai Ram charts the (modern) history of Hashish in the Holy Land |
Haggai Ram |
Amnon Aran - Israeli foreign policy since the end of the Cold War |
Amnon Aran maps the development of Israeli foreign policy since the end of the Cold War |
Amnon Aran |
Michael Karayanni - Religion and State among the Palestinian-Arabs in Israel: A Multicultural Entrapment |
Michael Karayanni considers how the Israeli construction of religion and politics shapes the live Palestinian-Arabs in the state. |
Michael Karayanni |
Eldad Ben Aharon - Supporting Denial: Israel’s Foreign Policy and the Armenian Genocide |
Eldad Ben-Aharon charts the history of Israel's refusal to recognise the Armenian Genocide. |
Eldad Ben-Aharon |
Kathrin Bachleitner - A road towards atonement? Why only West Germany came to “atone” for the Nazi crimes. |
Kathrin Bachleitner remaps the road that led to Germany's "atonement" for the Holocaust |
Kathrin Bachleitner |
Atalia Omer - Pathways toward a Jewish Israeli Restorative Ethics |
Atalia Omer discusses restorative justice practices and the possibilities (and limits) of Jewish critiques of Zionism. |
Atalia Omer, Yaacov Yadgar |
Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: Elana Shapira: Berta Zuckerkandl and Her Circle: Austrian Nationalism and Zionism in Viennese Modernism |
Elana Shapira discusses the tangled relationship between Austrian Nationalism and Zionism in Viennese Modernism |
Elana Shapira |
Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: Maja Gildin Zuckerman: The Pragmatism of Proto-Zionism: Tracing Jewish Nation-building through a Cultural Sociological Framework |
Maya Gildin Zuckerman discusses a 1897 tour from London to Palestine as a moment in the Zionist meaning making process. |
Maja Gilding Zuckerman |
Jamie Stern-Weiner: IHRA: The Politics of a Definition |
Jamie Stern-Weiner (Oxford) traces the genesis and evolution of a controversial 'working definition' of antisemitism. |
Jamie Stern-Weiner |
Anna Prashizky: Connecting Ethnicity and Space: The New Russian-Mizrahi-Mediterranean Pop Culture in Israel’s Periphery |
Ann Prashizky discusses 'self orientalistation' by the 1.5 generation of FSU immigrants to Israel. |
Anna Prashizky |
Adam Sutcliffe: Light Unto the Nations - The Idea of Jewish Purpose and the Emergence of Zionism (Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar) |
Adam Sutcliffe (KCL) discusses how Zionist ideologues have viewed the notion of Jewish purpose. |
Adam Sutcliffe |
Tal Shamur (Cambridge): The emergence of melancholic citizenship at the urban periphery: The case of south Tel Aviv protest against global migration |
Tal Shamur presents his work on the melancholic protest of Hatikva residents. |
Tal Shamur |
Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: Rose Stair (Oxford): Age and gender in German-language cultural Zionism |
The fourth lecture in the Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies seminar series. Rose Stair discusses cultural Zionism through a focus on age and gender. |
Rost Stair |
Peter Bergamin (Oxford): Guns and Moses: Jewish anti-British Resistance during the Mandate for Palestine |
Peter Bergamin presents some findings and conclusions from his recent research on the British Mandate for Palestine, focusin on the phenomena of Jewish illegal immigration and anti-British terrorism, and their role in Britain’s eventual abandonment of the |
Peter Bergamin |
Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: Yuval Evri (KCL) - The Return to Al-Andalus: Disputes Over Sephardic Culture and Identity Between Arabic and Hebrew |
Yuval Evri discusses his new book, The Return to Al-Andalus, Disputes Over Sephardic Culture and Identity Between Arabic and Hebrew |
Yuval Evri |
Nahshon Perez (Bar-Ilan) and Yuval Jobani (Tel Aviv): Governing the Sacred: Political Toleration in Five Contested Sacred Sites |
Nachshon Perez discusses Perez and Jobani's co-authored book on the politics of contested sacred sites |
Nachshon Perez |
Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Semina: Danielle Drori (Oxford): Yosef Klausner in Translation: Zionism and Christianity |
The second seminar in the Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalism Sereis. Danielle Drori discusses Zionism and translation, with a focus on Klausner's Life of Jesus |
Danielle Drori |
Hadeel Abu Hussein (Oxford): Palestinian Arab Citizens in Israel, Equality Struggle |
Hadeel Abu Hussein discusses the historical stages of the Palestinian Arab citizens in Israel with respect to their political formation and social experience as individuals and a collective starting from 1948, until nowadays. |
Hadeel Abu Hussein |
Reconsidering Early Jewish Nationalist Ideologies Seminar: Yair Wallach, (SOAS): Language of Revival or Conquest? Hebrew in the Streets of early 20th century Jerusalem |
Yair Wallach discusses his book A City in Fragments: Urban Text in Modern Jerusalem (Stanford University Press, 2020). |
Yair Wallach |
Sandy Kedar: Emptied Lands - A Legal Geography of Bedouin Rights in the Negev. |
Prof. Sandy Kedar (Haifa) discusses his co-authored book on the legal rights of the Bedouin in the Negev. |
Sandy Kedar |
Performance and Power in Delhi |
The passage of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in December 2019 has ushered in a new form of politics in India. |
Akash Bhattacharya, Harsh Mander, Abhik Chimni, Neha Dixit, Sudhanva Deshpande, Sumangala Damodaran, Sabika Abbas Naqvi, Bani Gill, Garima Jaju, Nayanika Mathur |
Hizky Shoham - The Emotional Scripting of Boycotts: The Nazi-Zionist Agreement in Jewish Public Culture During the 1930s |
Hizky Shoham discusses the 'emotionologies' surrounding the Nazi-Zionist 'Transfer agreement.' |
Hizky Shoham |
Larissa Remennick - The Israeli Diaspora in Berlin: Back to Being Jewish? |
Larissa Remeniick discuss the origins and present condition of the new (post-2010) Israeli diaspora in Berlin |
Larissa Remennick |
Lotem Perry-Hazan: Ethnic segregation in the Haredi education in Israel: Policies and practices |
Lotem Perry-Hazzan discusses ethnic discrimination in admissions to Haredi schools in Israel |
Lotem Perry-Hazzan |
Heather Munro: Ashkenazi Hegemony in Haredi Israeli Society and Implications for the Future |
Heather Monro discusses the implications of Ashkenazi Hegemony in the Israeli Haredi society. |
Heather Munro |
The Making of the Israeli Far Right Book Talk by Peter Bergamin |
Peter Bergamin discusses his new book: The Making of the Israeli Far-Right: Abba Ahimeir and Zionist Ideology |
Peter Bergamin |
Seyed Ali Alavi - Iran and Palestine: Past, Present and Future |
Ali Alavi discusses the history of Iran's relations with Palestinian organisation and the Palestinian cause, and their implication to Iranian-Israeli relations. |
Ali Alavi |
Tamar Calahorra, Competition between Members of Parliament and Governmental ministries on Policy Outcomes through Legislation – Israel as a Test case |
Dr. Calahorra studies some dramatic changes in the ways legislation is conducted in Israel |
Tamar Calahorra |
Nancy Hawker - Palestinian multilingualism: A perfectly normal adaptation to colonialism, conflict and late capitalism |
Nancy Hawker (The Aga Khan University) considers the developing place of Arabic in official nation-statist platforms in Israel |
Nancy Hawker |
Yoav Ronel - 'Love, Zionism and Melancholy in the Prose of Micha Yosef Berdichevsky' |
Yoav Ronel (Bezalel and BGU) considers representations of a melancholic national and subjective desire in the prose of Micha Yosef Berdichevsky (1865-1921) |
Yoav Ronnel |
Avihu Shoshana - 'Nocturnal Inequality: Ethnographies of Social Selection and Waiting in Line for Night Clubs in Tel-Aviv' |
Avihu Shoshana (Haifa University) discusses findings from his ethnography of social selection in Israeli night-clubs. |
Avihu Shoshana |
Jonathan Leslie - Fear and Insecurity: Competing Narratives of the Iran-Israel Relationship |
Jonathan Leslie considers the history of Iran's "becoming" and existential threat in Israel |
Jonathan Leslie |
Moriel Ram, 'A tale of sand and snow: Bar-Lev line and the Hermon ski site as material fantasies' |
Moriel Ram (SOAS) discusses how sand and snow produce potent imageries and physical realities in Israeli political culture. |
Moriel Ram |
The Folly of Secularism Dialogues on the theopolitics of the nation-state: Israel in a wider context. Session 3: Israel: a dialogue between Yehouda Shenhav (Tel Aviv) and Yaacov Yadgar (Oxford) |
Yehouda Shenhav and Yaacov Yadgar discuss the uses and misuses of a discourse on “Judaism” in Israel. Session 3 in a series of three. |
Yehouda Shenhav, Yuval Evri, Yaacov Yadgar |
The Folly of Secularism Dialogues on the theopolitics of the nation-state: Israel in a wider context. Session 2: Liberalism and Secularism: a dialogue between Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (Northwestern) and Yolanda Jansen (Amsterdam) |
Elizabeth Shakman Hurd and Yolande Jansen discuss the notion of the “secular,” liberal politics of the nation-state. Session 2 in a series of three |
Elisabeth Shakman Hurd, Yolande Jansen |
The Folly of Secularism Dialogues on the theopolitics of the nation-state: Israel in a wider context. Session 1 Religion and Politics: a dialogue between William Cavanaugh (DePaul) and Timothy Fitzgerald (Centre for Critical Research on Religion) |
Timothy Fitzgerald and William Cavanaugh discuss the politics and history of the conceptual duality and its current usages. First session in a series of three |
Timothy Fitzgerald, William Cavanaugh |
Avner Offer: Quality of Life and Well-being in Israel Today |
Avner offer discusses how to measure -- and how to understand the measurements -- of quality of life and well-being in Israel. |
Avner Offer |
Eyal Chowers - The emerging notion of sovereignty in contemporary Israel |
Eyal Chowers considers Israeli democracy, liberalism, and the emerging notion of sovereignty in the state |
Eyal Chowers |
Guy Burton - Rising Powers and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1947' |
How have rising power engaged with the Arab-Israeli conflict? What does this tell us about rising powers and conflict management as well as their behaviour in international politics more generally? |
Guy Burton |
Ibrahim Khatib - Identity, Conflict perception and Reconciliation in the shadow of the Arab-Israeli conflict |
Ibrahim Khatib discusses the correlations between identity, conflict perception, and willingness to reconcile. |
Ibrahim Khatib |
Menachem Klein - Abbas' Leadership in a State Postponed |
Menachem Klein discusses the political biography and leadership of Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority. |
Menachem Klein |
Khaled Furani - Putting Israel on the Couch: A Palestinian challenge from within the Leviathan |
Khaled Furani deconstruct sovereignty, and considers some alternatives. |
Khaled Furani |
Netta Cohen - When climate takes command: Jewish-Zionist scientific approaches to climate in Palestine 1900-1948 |
How did Zionist scientist see climate in Palestine? |
Netta Cohen |
Brian Klug - Defining antisemitism, demonizing Zionism, excoriating Corbyn: The current controversy over the left and the Jews |
Brian Klug analyses the controversy around antisemitism in the Labour Party and the limits on the criticism of Zionism. |
Brian Klug |
Orna Sasson-Levy - Gendered citizenship: The case of Women Breaking the Silence |
Orna Sasson-Levy discusses the cast of women soldiers who decide to speak |
Orna Sasson-Levy |
Adriana X Jacobs - A gift from Sinai: Translation and nation-building |
Adriana Jacobs (Oxford) discusses the role of translation in the constitutive era of modern Hebrew literature. |
Adriana X Jacobs |
David Tal - The making of alliance: The making and history of US-Israel relationships |
David Tal discusses the making and history of US-Israel relationships. |
David Tal |
Yakov Rabkin - Israel: The Russian Connection |
Yakov Rabkin (University of Montreal) discusses the roots of Israeli political culture in the Zionist beginnings in the Yiddish speaking regions of the Russian Empire. |
Yakov Rabkin |
Yaacov Yadgar - The Nation-State bill and the meaning of Israel’s Jewish identity |
Yaacov Yadgar discusses the recently passed Basic-Law: Israel the Nation State of the Jewish People, and discusses how it plays into Israel's Jewish Identity Crisis |
Yaacov Yadgar |
Kfir Cohen - Israeli Literature as Global Literature |
Kfir Cohen discusses Israeli literature as global literature (broadly defined) |
Kfir Cohen |
Bashir Abu-Manneh - Habibi’s The Pessoptimist and 1948 |
Bashir Abu-Manneh discusses Emile Habibi’s The Pessoptimist and 1948. |
Bashir Abu-Manneh |
Rami Ginat - Egyptian Communist Voices of Peace (1947-1958) |
Rami Ginat discusses the Egyptian Communist Party's stance on Israel in its formative first decade of statehood. |
Rami Ginat, Yaacov Yadgar |
Faisal Devji: Jewish Pecedents and Muslim Nationalism |
Faisal Devji discusses the surprising relations between Pakistani nationalism and Zionism. |
Faisal Devji, Yaacov Yadgar |
Yuval Evri: Andalusian Legacies: the role of al-Andalus/Sepharad in the political and cultural history of Israel/Palestine |
Yuval Evri discusses the uses of the the image of Al-Andalus in political and cultural discourses in the turn of the 20th Century. |
Yuval Evri, Yaacov Yadgar |
Galia Sabar: African Migration to Israel - Chronicle of a Failure Foretold |
The history and politics of African migration to Israel |
Galia Sabar, Yaacov Yadgar |
Almog Behar - Between Hebrew and Arabic |
The politics, culture, and reality of Hebrew and Arabic in Israel and beyond. |
Almog Behar, Yaacov Yadgar |
Eugene Rogan - The Myth of the Campbell-Bannerman Report: Arab views on Israel after the Suez Crisis |
On the origins and context of a little know (for some obvious reasons) chapter in the history of the Zionism. |
Eugene Rogan |
Haim Yacobi - Israel, Africa: Identity, Culture and Politics |
Haim Yacobi (UCL) gives a talk on Israel in Africa, Africa (and Africans) in Israel. |
Haim Yacobi, Yaacov Yadgar |
Avi Shlaim - A Jordanian Perspective on Israel |
Prof. Avi Shlaim reviews the history of the Jordanian-Israeli relations, and considers how Israel is viewed and understood from the Jordanian side |
Avi Shlaim, Yaacov Yadgar |
Birth of the Ashkenazi-Mizrahi Controversy on the ‘Arab Question’ (1910-12) |
On 'the mother' of all ensuing Mizrahi–Ashkenazi ethnic controversies. |
Moshe Behar, Yaacov Yadgar |
Jews, Israel and Debate: Understanding Israel in the Diaspora |
Why and how should we study Diaspora Jews' relation to Israel? |
Ilan z Baron, Yaacov Yadgar |
Cabinet Co-sponsorship Networks in Brazil |
Lucio Rennó (University of Brasília) gives a talk at the workshop on Coalitional Presidentialism at the Federal Congress of Brazil, Brasília. |
Lucio Rennó |
Coalitional Presidentialism in Latin America: Is Brazil Exceptional? |
Timothy Power (University of Oxford) gives the seventh talk at the workshop on Coalitional Presidentialism at the Federal Congress of Brazil, Brasília. |
Timothy Power |
The Brazilian Case: Researching Coalitional Presidentialism |
Carlos Nepomuceno gives the sixth talk at the workshop on Coalitional Presidentialism at the Federal Congress of Brazil, Brasília. |
Carlos Nepomuceno |
Coalitional Presidentialism in Chile |
Germán Bidegain Ponte (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) gives the fifth talk at the workshop on Coalitional Presidentialism at the Federal Congress of Brazil, Brasília. |
Germán Bidegain Ponte |
Coalitional Presidentialism in Ecuador |
Santiago Basabe Serrano (FLACSO-Ecuador and GIGA) gives the fourth talk at the workshop on Coalitional Presidentialism at the Federal Congress of Brazil, Brasília. |
Santiago Basabe Serrano |
Coalitional Presidentialism in Africa: Benin, Kenya, Malawi |
Nic Cheeseman (University of Oxford) gives the third talk at the workshop on Coalitional Presidentialism at the Federal Congress of Brazil, Brasília. |
Nic Cheeseman |
The Presidential Toolbox in the Former Soviet Union |
Paul Chaisty (University of Oxford) gives the second talk at the workshop on Coalitional Presidentialism at the Federal Congress of Brazil, Brasília. |
Paul Chaisty |
The Coalitional Presidentialism Project: Questions and Methods |
Svitlana Chernykh (University of Oxford) presents an overview of the Coalitonal Presidentialism Project at the Federal Congress of Brazil, Brasília. |
Svitlana Chernykh |