RSC Public Seminars 2012: Migration as an Environmental Policy: pitfalls, opportunities and rhetorics |
RSC Public Seminar series of Hilary Term 2012. |
Francois Gemenne |
RSC Public Seminars 2012: Environmental Displacement: and the Challenge of Rights Protection |
RSC Public Seminar series of Hilary Term 2012. |
Roger Zetter |
RSC Public Seminars 2012: Environmental Displacement: future scenarios and modes of protection re-examined |
RSC Public Seminar series of Hilary Term 2012. |
Brad Blitz |
RSC Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture 2011: Waiting for solutions in uncertain times: Palestine refugees in the Middle East context |
This podcast was recorded at the RSC Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture on 16 November 2011. The lecture was delivered by Mr Filippo Grandi, Commissioner-General of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. |
Filippo Grandi |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: The resistance of the Erased: "You cannot fight the system alone" |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's last Wednesday Public Seminar of Michaelmas Term 2011. |
Jelka Zorn |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: Caribbean diasporas and statelessness |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's seventh Wednesday Public Seminar of Michaelmas Term 2011. |
Bridget Wooding |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: The re-invention of the Kurdishness through the transnational Kurdish media |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's fifth Wednesday Public Seminar of Michaelmas Term 2011. |
Janroj Keles |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: International Law and Statelessness in the 21st Century |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's second Wednesday Public Seminar of Michaelmas Term 2011. |
Laura van Waas |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: Stateless diasporas and immigration and citizenship regimes in the EU |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's first Wednesday Public Seminar of Michaelmas Term 2011. |
Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Nando Sigona |
Responding to protracted refugee situations: Lessons from a decade of discussion |
On 23 June 2011, the RSC launched its sixth Policy Briefing on 'Responding to protracted refugee situations: lessons from a decade of discussion' at the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations in Geneva. |
James Milner, Gil Loescher, Jeff Crisp |
Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture 2011: The vanishing truth of refugees |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture which was on Wednesday 15th June 2011. |
Didier Fassin |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: Negotiating local emplacement: the silent integration of refugees on the Zambian-Angolan borderlands |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's second Wednesday Public Seminar of Trinity Term 2011. |
Oliver Bakewell |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: Conflict and displacement in Southern Sudan |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's seventh Wednesday Public Seminar of Trinity Term 2011. |
Jon Bennett |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: Beyond conventional solutions to the refugee problem: mobility as a strategy for Afghans |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's fourth Wednesday Public Seminar of Trinity Term 2011. |
Alessandro Monsutti |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: Transnationalism: a fourth durable solution? |
Recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's third Wednesday Public Seminar of Trinity Term 2011, on Wednesday 1st June 2011 at the Department of International Development, University of Oxford. |
Laura Hammond |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: Refugees and the Definition of Syria |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's fifth Wednesday Public Seminar of Hilary Term 2011. |
Benjamin White |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: 'Collective amnesia' - refugees and the problem of History |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's fourth Wednesday Public Seminar of Hilary Term 2011. |
Philip Marfleet |
North Africa in Transition: Mobility, Forced Migration and Humanitarian Crises: Session 2 |
This workshop provided a space for interested academics, practitioners and policy makers to critically engage with the evolving contemporary crises in North Africa. |
Dawn Chatty, Julien Brachet, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Philip Marfleet, Hein de Haas, Oliver Bakewell, Michael Willis, Marc Petzoldt, Elizabeth Eyster |
North Africa in Transition: Mobility, Forced Migration and Humanitarian Crises: Session 1 |
This workshop provided a space for interested academics, practitioners and policy makers to critically engage with the evolving contemporary crises in North Africa. |
Dawn Chatty, Julien Brachet, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Philip Marfleet, Hein de Haas, Oliver Bakewell, Michael Willis, Marc Petzoldt, Elizabeth Eyster |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: Citizenship, autochthony and the question of forced migration |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's second Wednesday Public Seminar of Hilary Term 2011. |
Nira Yuval-Davis |
RSC Astor Lecture: Gendered Violence and the Politics of Memory in Sudan's Conflict Zones |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's 2nd Astor Lecture which was on Tuesday 25th January 2011 at The Taylor Institute, University of Oxford. |
Sondra Hale |
RSC Wednesday Seminars 2011: Refugees, Exiles and other Forced Migrants in the late Ottoman Empire |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's first Wednesday Public Seminar of Hilary Term 2011. |
Dawn Chatty |
Protecting Palestinian children from political violence |
This podcast was recorded at a launch event for the fifth Refugee Studies Centre Policy Briefing which was held on Thursday 30th September 2010 at the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, London. |
Jason Hart, Claudia Lo Forte |
Faith-based humanitarianism: Improving responses: distinctiveness, partnership and professionalism |
This podcast was recorded at the evening lecture of the Refugee Studies Centre's workshop on faith-based humanitarianism in the context of forced migration which was on Tuesday 22th September 2010 at The Vaults, University Church of St Marys, Oxford. |
Elizabeth Ferris |
Rwanda and the Great Lakes: A personal view from the Oxfam Archive |
This podcast is the second part of a recording made on 25 August 2005 as part of the Oxfam Archive Oral History project and is an interview with Maurice Herson, he had many interesting and challenging times with Oxfam including in the Great Lakes crisis. |
John Magrath, Maurice Herson |
Sudan in the late 1980s: A personal view from the Oxfam Archive |
This podcast is the first part of a recording made on 25 August 2005 as part of the Oxfam Archive Oral History project and is an interview with Maurice Herson, he had many interesting and challenging times with Oxfam including working in Sudan in the 80s. |
John Magrath, Maurice Herson |
International Summer School in Forced Migration 2010: Endnote Lecture |
This podcast was recorded at the Endnote Lecture of the Refugee Studies Centre's International Summer School in Forced Migration which was on Friday 23rd July 2010 at Wadham College, University of Oxford. |
Dennis McNamara |
Iraq's refugees - beyond tolerance: Keynote address |
This podcast was recorded at the Regional Presentation of the Forced Migration Policy Briefing on 'Iraq's refugees - beyond tolerance', which was held on 13th April 2010 in Amman, Jordan. |
Prince El-Hassan bin Talal |
The Relocation of Young Uyghur Women in China |
In this podcast the issue of the transfer of young Uyghur women in China is discussed. |
Michael Dillon, Omer Kanat, Amy Reger, Enver Tohti |
Protecting People in Conflict and Crisis: Plenary 3 |
This podcast was recorded at the third plenary session of the Protecting People in Conflict and Crisis conference. |
David Keen, Marc DuBois |
Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture 2009 : Beyond Blankets: in search of political deals and durable solutions for the displaced |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture which was on Wednesday 18th November 2009 at the Museum of Natural History, University of Oxford. |
Jan Egeland |
IASFM 12 Conference: Boundaries of Community |
This podcast was recorded at the fourth plenary event of the 12th International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) conference. |
Paula Banjerjee, Peter Schatzer, Helen Muggeridge, Anneliese Baldaccini, Patricia Coelho |
IASFM 12 Conference: State of Forced Migration Address Podcast |
This podcast was recorded at opening address of the 12th International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) conference. |
Nicholas Van Hear |
IGS Kaberry Lecture: Peace and Reconstruction in the Middle East: Where are the Women? |
This podcast was recorded at the International Gender Studies Centre's Kaberry Commemorative Lecture which was on Thursday 27th May 2009 at St Anne's College, University of Oxford. |
Maria Jaschok, Haleh Afshar |
Sahrawi Disappeared: Dr Dawn Chatty: The Sahrawis |
Dr Dawn Chatty, University of Oxford. The Sahrawis. |
Dawn Chatty |
Sahrawi Disappeared |
This podcast was recorded between September 2002 and October 2007 in Algeria, Switzerland and the UK. |
Philip Luther, Christian Viret, Sidi Omar |
Escaping North Korea |
This podcast was recorded at a talk and book signing by the author Mike Kim which was on Tuesday 10th March 2009 at St Antony's College, University of Oxford. |
Mike Kim |
RSC Astor Lecture : Obama's policy challenges and the future of US immigration |
This podcast was recorded at the Refugee Studies Centre's Astor Lecture which was on Thursday 5th March 2009 at Rewley House, University of Oxford. |
Dawn Chatty, Audrey Singer |
Kurdish Forced Migration in Turkey |
This podcast was recorded in May 2008 and presents an overview of Kurdish forced migration in Turkey with a particular focus on forced migration in the 1990s. |
Simon James, Joost Jongerden, David Cuthell, Mustafa Gündoğdu |
Interview with Oscar F. Gil-Garcaa |
In this podcast Oscar F. Gil-Garcia is interviewed about his work on the photographic project 'Guatemalan forced migration: the politics of care in representing refugees'. |
Sean Loughna, Oscar F. Gil-Garcia |
Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture 2008 |
The Annual Elizabeth Colson Lecture was on Wednesday 21st May 2008 at Somerville College, University of Oxford. Professor James C. Scott, Sterling Professor of Political Science, Yale University gave the lecture on the subject of Zomia, Southeast Asia. |
Roger Zetter, James C. Scott |
Human Displacement and Climate Change in International Law |
The first of The Hague Debates entitled "When home gets too hot: Human Displacement and Climate Change in International Law." The debate features Professor Roger Zetter, Director of the Refugee Studies Centre. |
Yvo de Boer, Etienne Piguet, M.J. Mace, Roger Zetter, Barry Thorne |
Iraqis in Jordan |
Interviews with a number of Iraqi refugees now living in Jordan from a range of backgrounds and current situations. |
Simon James |
Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture 2007: HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan |
HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan gave the 2007 Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture on the subject of human rights and refugees. |
Prince El-Hassan bin Talal |
Interview with Professor Elizabeth Colson |
In this podcast Professor Elizabeth Colson is in conversation with Dr Anna Schmidt. Elizabeth Florence Colson is Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley. |
Elizabeth Colson, Anna Schmidt |
Interview with Dr Barbara Harrell-Bond |
Professor Roger Zetter, Director of the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford interviews Dr Barbara Harrell-Bond, the founder and former Director of the Centre. |
Roger Zetter, Barbara Harrell-Bond |